Saturday, December 30, 2023

"Each and Every Day"

Last night, I figured out some more parts for "Each and Every Day."  I wrote about the song a couple years ago, and I had a few more realizations to add to those comments.

I'm not completely sure of my voicings, but I think the Mellotron (brass + strings) part in the bridges is something like:

In my original post, I noted that since the Mellotron plays on offbeats coinciding with "girl" and "world" in the lines "I could never leave her for another girl / Always miles away, we're in another world," it highlights that sense of being "other."  I realized yester-day that the note values contribute to this, too.  In contrast to the steady quarter notes that precede those spots, there are irregularities and notes of longer values.

If the voicings I have are correct, the intervals also demonstrate this feeling of being "other"; instead of thirds, as in the rest of the section, there are fourths under "girl" and "world."

Friday, November 3, 2023

"She Needs Company"

I listened to the Machines EP yester-day and noticed that, aside from the last two iterations, the choruses of "She Needs Company" have a chiastic structure:
She needs comp'ny; he needs a helping hand
He needs money; she needs a man
This structure mirrors the reciprocity of the relationship.

The objects that the two characters need sort of rhyme with each other ("comp'ny" with "money" and "hand" with "man"), and to some degree, this also illustrates that parity.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

"Semi-Detached Suburban Mr. James"

I recently found a note I made last year about "Semi-Detached Suburban Mr. James."  I first heard the song via this live version on Beat! Beat! Beat!:

Videos from this performance were uploaded to Manfred Mann's YouTube channel in October 2019 but were taken down on copyright grounds.  In August 2021, however, they were uploaded to Beat-Club, which apparently owns the rights.  An exact date (18 November 1966) was given when the videos were on Mann's channel, but Beat-Club provides just the year.

In any case, I think that even from the first time I heard the song, I noticed that "away" in the line "As your life slips away, yeah" is sung with a melisma (D D C# E G), providing something of a sense of movement.

Last year, I realized that there's a contrast between the fixedness of "Hanging things upon the line" and the movement of "your life slip[ping] away," although, obviously, one is literal, and the other is metaphorical.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"Each Other's Company"

Recently, I figured out and notated the guitar part in "Each Other's Company."  As always, the notation comes with the disclaimer that I may have something wrong.  I think there are a few flubbed notes in the recording, but I ignored those.

While learning the part, I remembered something about the song that I'd realized before but didn't think worth mentioning:  this may be coincidental, but it expresses the same sentiment as "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm," written by Irving Berling.  ("Each Other's Company" was written by Mike Hugg.)

The first two lines of the bridge of "Each Other's Company" are "It can rain; it can storm / But her love will keep me warm," and these are similar to a recurring couplet in Berlin's song:  "What do I care how much it may storm / I've got my love to keep me warm."